Tonight in honour of all things civilised and grown-up I decided to cook myself a 2-course feast. I hear ya ladies, "but think of all the calories" but I'd been for a run so it's ok.
I raided the fridge. Rocket salad? That could work... but alas, the fridge was on too high and the rocket had frozen. I had solid leaves (get it? solid leaves, sol-id leaves, salad leaves? It's not even funny, don't worry about it) so that option was off the table. Some extra mature cheese? Perhaps but I wasn't sure it'd go with the vinegar.
I gave up. I had nothing that would go with my sausage/pea/vinegar feast and I was hungry - Now. Unless..
...unless I had two-courses... that's right a two-course meal for one. Pleased with my ingenuity in the kitchen I returned to the fridge: a cheese starter, followed by a sausage and pea medley, what a treat.
A Two-Course Feast for One
What you will need:
Cheddar Cheese (it doesn't have to be ticklers mature cheddar but it helps)
Linda McCartney Sausages x 2
Tesco's Petits Pois
Sarson's Malt Vinegar
(Filtered) Water
1. Turn grill on (setting irrelevant)
2. Put sausages under it and turn when you remember.
3. Cut yourself a bit of cheese to eat.
4. Pour water from tap into a water filter.
5. Wait a bit.
6. Pour now filtered water into kettle and boil.
7. Place peas into saucepan.
8. Eat a bit more cheese.
9. Add water to peas and watch for a bit.
10. Eat a bit of cheese, put cheese back in the fridge.
11. Drain water from peas and but peas into a bowl.
12. Take sausages from grill and put sausages on top (doesn't matter if you've burnt them a bit).
13. Get cheese back out of the fridge and have another bit really quickly as if someone might catch you.
14. Add gravy or brown sauce (optional).
To be honest I've finished that and I'm still a bit hungry. I might get myself a twix which would obviously make it a 3-course meal. Watch this space...
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